Thursday, May 22, 2014

ulasan cerpen

My posts related to my latest short story "Cinta dalam diam" fuaaaah..
Being a full-time worker is not easy, very tiring. Moreover, a new young entrepreneurs in the business of restaurant Padang, after my parents be fooled by the previous manager. The previous manager leaving debts and losses which make us difficult to eat.

Jadi, mau merevisi tulisan saja selalu lupa atau terlalu lelah, padahal ya belum tentu ada yang mampir blog saya haha.. Well, that's okay, even there isn't visitor that visit my blog. I can't stop writing, because it's my hobby and someday I'll be the one who the name will be next to Raditya Dika or Alberthiene Endah and the other famous writer.

Okay, sekarang membahas tentang cerpen saya. Saya menggunakan nama Jacob Black sebagai pemeran prianya, karena dia ... ah susah dijelaskan haha. Tidak bermaksud meniru atau apapun, hanya saja.. Well, I'm the biggest fan of him, OMG he is so hot LOL.. Iya, dia keren dan keren dan keren dan keren dan sekali lagi sangat keren. I love his tanned skin, his sweet smile, so good to me, so right. Oh I guess it's Taylor Swift's song haha. And what I love more about him is his asian face, okey maybe it's my own opinion.

Sebenarnya, muka dia seperti Indian Indian gitu, padahal kalau lihat di wiki dia malah berdarah campuran, Harry Potter kali ah haha.

Ya, intinya saya berharap cerpen "Cinta dalam diam" ini suatu saat dapat menjadi novel, karena ini adalah project yang saya persiapkan matang dari jauh hari. Dan ceritanya benar-benar beda, dan bukan sad ending like usual, everyone is happy. Oke saya rasa saya seperti orang alay yang tulisannya campur inggris dan indonesia, sebelum lebih alay mari kita akhiri post ini :3

Oh iya, mungkin bahasanya agak kaku, karena saya masih terus belajar dalam berkarya hehe.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Why love is painful?

Hi, you know what love is? I've had never experienced something like this before, I used to be just a crush or regular liking someone. And if my crush is unrequited it doesn't matter.
Now I want to meet someone, so badly. I really want to meet him, but I can't. I don't know, this difference makes me sick, I seemed to be stuck forbidden love.
Who would have thought the end would like this? Starting from a brother-sister ketemu gedhe, I was only an ordinary woman. I fall in love, one sided. From the start, from within myself refuse, refuse to get carried away, I always change the subject when he start discussing things that are harmful to my heart. However, I was careless. Without I realized it, he has lived here, in my heart.
I just wish to forget, forget this wrong feeling. Because this difference is not as different ethnic or language that can remain united, this difference is very crucial. Our affairs with The Creator.
Why must this painful? Want to meet but could not, would like to hear his voice but fear, fear of this pain increases.